Department of Public Works

The village provides the following services in addition to routine and seasonal maintenance of village streets, buildings, and grounds.

Annual Village Clean-up – Clean-up day is scheduled for early June and provides an opportunity for Village residents to dispose of two major appliances that are properly prepared for disposal, as well as metal, electronics and other large items that are not routinely picked up with weekly garbage and recycling. Dates and specific guidelines are sent to Village Residents and posted on this website.

Brush Pick-up – This is typically the second and fourth Tuesday of every month. Brush should be in approximately 6-inch bundles and light enough for one person to lift easily. This does not include leaves or grass clippings. Undecorated holiday trees will also be picked up on the January dates.

Sidewalk Snow Removal – In addition to snow removal from village streets, and to support pedestrian safety for student walkers and others, the Village provides snow removal service for roadside sidewalks within the Village boundaries. While we work to get snow cleared as soon as possible after a storm, beginning with the main streets, other emergencies may take priority. Residents are responsible for clearing sidewalks from roadside sidewalks to their homes. Residents are encouraged to remove grass and other overgrowth from sidewalk edges prior to winter to improve effectiveness of snow removal equipment.